Saturday, February 6, 2010


My silly sister sends me these messages. She lays out cardboard letters on her bedspread or scrapbook paper and sends them to me. This one was sent after I made her favorite egg salad when I knew she was coming for a visit. She claims 'it is the best egg salad she ever had', but it is hard to know if that is really true as she says that about every thing I make for her. :)
What I don't think she realizes is how much I like these little messages. It gives me a  lift for the day when I see them in my e-mail. Speaking words of encouragement to others does not take up much of your time. (unless you are laying letters out on your bed.) Everyone likes to be appreciated. Kind words can be your gift to them. What words of encouragement will you speak to someone today?  :)
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  1. Well I can't believe my picture is up in lights. Thanks Ant Debbie and it's true the best eggs ever. I had saved some for last night so I go and get it and it was gone. I knew I had saved some but it was gone. I said Bob did you eat egg salad today? Yes he says..I said that was mine for tonight and you ate it? He says it was really good. I said I know that is why I saved some. So lesson learned! I will hide my next tub of egg salad so husband doesn't find it.

  2. Well, Deb, you regularly give me words of encouragement - not to mention great dark chocolate, coffee, and almonds! :-) Cute messages from Linda. Fun!
