Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Donkey Love

My love affair with donkeys began when I was about 5 years old. One morning when I and my siblings woke up, my dad told us that he had a BIG surprise for us. We asked him what it was but he would not tell.  He said we were going to get in his pick-up and go get 'the surprise.' We asked lots of questions, like what color was it and would it fit into the house? We ate breakfast then started on our trip. When we arrived at our destination, I could NOT believe my eyes. There in a field was about a dozen donkeys. Yes....donkeys, of all sizes and colors. Dad said 'well, pick which one you want.' We get to pick our very own donkey?? Have I died and gone to heaven? There weren't many exciting things that went on around our house so this...this was unbelievable to me. We picked out a gray donkey of  medium size. I especially loved the looks of this donkey's ears. (I still love donkey ears.) Her ears were so soft to the touch and I knew right away that she liked me. :) The choice was made, so away we went with our donkey in tow. My dad explained to us that he and mom had put their name in a drawing and they won...the prize being the donkey. When we got home we unloaded this 'precious pet' and decided on a name. I don't remember who came up with the name but I do remember that we were all in agreement....Burrito. We named our donkey Burrito.
There are many funny stories about Burrito, one being that she liked to follow us kids to school. (we walked to a one room school house and no it was NOT in the 1800s) :) My mom got several calls from the neighbors saying, 'please come get your donkey as she just ate my blouse off the clothes line.' Mom was not happy about that, so we had to start putting her in a pen. :(  I remember once, I was riding her in the enclosed area and my brother hit her on her back legs with a stick and she ran and bucked me off into a fresh donkey pie. I was sooo made at him and probably didn't talk to him for the rest of the day. We kept that donkey until we had to move to Florida. (about 2 years) We had an auction and sold her to a farmer. I remember that I was so sad and didn't want her to leave us. She was the best pet I ever had and to this day I love all donkeys.
This photo is my grand-daughter Emma, at my friend's farm, petting Abigail, the donkey. They both are very sweet. :)
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  1. Oh Deb, how fun to read your donkey story! I remember that sometimes there was a group of adoptable donkeys that came to town, and I always wanted one. What fun memories your little donkey provided you. And isn't it great to be able to share that with Emma!

  2. What a sweet story...and a darling photo of your grand daughter!

  3. I remember when you fell off donkey. It was very funny. I also will always remember that donkey but I don't remember him leaving us and I didn't know they had won it either. I tell ya it is taking me 35 years to find all this stuff out. ha

  4. You are so funny. Stick around you may find out some other stuff. :)

  5. What a very nice place to come and visit. Makes me feel I'm sitting in your home at times. Keep it up. That donkey was really a cool thing to play with at our young age.
